Sag Fighter

The Sag Fighter sag ride-through conditioner (dynamic voltage restorer) protects sensitive equipment from deep voltage sags without the hassle, high costs, and high maintenance of UPS units or mechanical energy storage devices. One and two-phase sags down to 30% of nominal voltage and three-phase sags down to 60% are corrected independently by phase for magnitude, waveform, and phase angle.
Operating with 99% efficiency in its normal mode, the Sag Fighter monitors the incoming voltage and when indications of a sag are detected it initiates corrective measures within 1/8 cycle. The Sag Fighter also includes built-in surge suppression and circuit breakers to provide a complete package of protection.
Ideal for semiconductors, plastics, and other industrial applications sensitive to voltage disturbances originating from the electric grid, Sag Fighter is about one-half the price of capacitor-based, high-voltage dynamic voltage restorers. And, since the Sag Fighter operates at low voltage, it can be placed closer to the loads to provide additional protection from disturbances that might be generated within the facility, downstream of the distribution transformer.
When it comes to protection against deep voltage sags, The Sag Fighter has the only technology that provides “unambiguous sag protection”. Other technologies make you play guessing games like, “How long, how often, what load, what power factor?”. The Sag Fighter eliminates the guessing games because the answer to these questions is, “It doesn’t matter”.